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Hardcore Prevention and Control, Reliable Implementation - COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures of L&K Engineering (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the whole company, under the leadership of the President, has been united as one and taken various hardcore prevention and control measures. Before the Spring Festival in 2020, our company responded quickly and urgently purchased necessary anti-epidemic materials (masks, disinfection materials, new thermoprobes, etc.), which ensured the material guarantee of the company in Suzhou and other projects nationwide in the event of large-scale outbreak of COVID-19. At present, the epidemic has eased in China, but our company still adopts daily health reports of all staff. There is no discount in the hardcore measures for epidemic prevention and control, so as to ensure the health and safety of all staff.
I. Communication and Liaison Mechanism for Prevention and Control of COVID-19

II. Daily Health Reports of All Staff - White List System
Based on the staff's daily health reports, the company learns their health conditions, and realizes the white list system of all staff entering the company. To ensure the health and safety of all staff, the staff on the watch list work in the designated office or at home.

III. Access Control System

1. The security guards of the company shall check Sucheng Code and work card strictly according to the list provided by the Personnel Department, take temperature and register, and issue face masks.
2. The employees driving to work by themselves should stop at the gate of the company in order, show their work card and Green City Code in the car, accept temperature measurement and face mask check by the security guard, and pass if there is no problem.
3. The shuttle bus captain is responsible for taking temperature, registration and issuance of face masks for the bus drivers and staff on the bus, and the security guard is responsible for checking the Sucheng code and letting them pass.
4. The director on duty shall go to get the verification form from the security guard and check the implementation.
IV. Epidemic Prevention Requirements for Entering and Leaving the Office Building

V. Epidemic Prevention Requirements for All Floors

VI. Control Measures for Dining in the Canteen


VII. Partition Boards Added to the Individual Office Spaces

VIII. Daily Check by the Director on Duty

IX. Reserve of Epidemic Prevention Materials

X. Check of the Staff’s Mobile Phone Movement Every 14 Days


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