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Happy Families over L&K

June, just like a fairyland, is fascinating with thousands of greens and a riot of colors; June is full of charming scenery, standing tall willows, and sparkling rivers; and June is a hot, noisy season. In this season, L&K successfully held the 2018 Family Day for Employees (“the Event”). Nearly 200 people from various departments of the Company and their families gathered in the scenic Yangcheng Lake Peninsula to participate in this one-day outdoor game tour.

The Event was fully supported and encouraged by the Company's leaders. The General Manager Mao attended the speech, emphasizing that the Event may enhance the relationship between employees and their family members; and only healthy and energetic employees may better improve their work efficiency and promote the benign development of the Company itself.

The whole Event had rich contents, was divided into different links of challenge games, barbecues and so on. It was full of enthusiasms and endless climaxes.
In the Event, a variety of game challenges were set up, such as Happy Castle, Angry Birds, Real CS, Kayak... The challenging and fun activities brought the Event to a climax, and the children and parents were constantly improving their tacit cooperation in the happy games. At the scene, it was quite easy for you to feel the warm atmosphere among all families. It was full of laughter again and again. Adults and children both had a good time.



At lunch time, everyone came to the place of barbecue where the laughter was accompanied by a sizzling barbecue. While grilling and communicating, all people kept in mind sharing with each other the baked food. In a short while, everyone was holding fragrant skewers in their hands. In the collaboration and care, all families fully enjoyed the fun of “Being Well-Fed and Well-Clothed by Themselves”.


Finally, the children who participated in the morning challenge activities won the small-sized prizes from the game, and each family obtained fruitful results and enjoyed themselves to the full. In a pleasant atmosphere, the Event, full of the fun of the staff and the happiness of the family, was ended.


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